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Thursday, April 14, 2016


Plickers - Clickers without the need for clickers!  This is a great app for taking polls, voting and giving your opinion with the added bonus that students don't need a mobile device. The teacher simply prints out the 'Plicker' cards and students hold them up in one of four positions in order to cast their vote. The letter of their vote needs to be at the top. There are 4 choices, A, B, C or D. The only device needed is one for the teacher in order to scan the cards and collect the data.  The Plicker cards are quickly scanned and the results can be seen on line in seconds.  This is particularly handy as many schools still don't agree with the BYOD idea and in many schools, mobiles and tablets in the classroom are still not allowed.  Plickers is being used for pre-assessment and assessment but you can also use them to GAMIFY your classroom.  How you use them is up to you and your own imagination!

See the following video which sums up the app in a nutshell.